Scribble AI

In short

The simplest way to generate text using AI

Skills Used

Software Development
Product Management
UX/UI Design

Start date

December 2022

Bridging the accessibility gap in generative AI

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Scribble AI provides a mobile interface to generate customized text in 20+ pre-built formats, styles, and languages without having to write prompts for the AI. Through our pre-optimized prompt engineering in the app’s backend, non-technical consumers can generate and share textual content within seconds with just three clicks. For individuals who write a lot of content each day, whether a Twitter influencer writing DMs or sales rep making a quick pitch, the app's premium version (in development) customizes the pre-built prompts to their needs, allowing the user to access higher quality content than ChatGPT for faster and cheaper.

Scribble AI is live on iOS and Android with over 8,000 downloads and 200,000 pieces of content generated so far.

Scribble AI - Executive Summary

Problem: For non-technical consumers, the use cases of generative AI have high barriers to entry. Consumers who lack experience in prompt engineering lose tens of hours of time since they cannot leverage tools like ChatGPT to the fullest extent, particularly without paying the $20 per month premium. For international consumers outside the Silicon Valley “bubble,” this gap in AI adoption is most exacerbated, as we have seen through personal experience with friends, family, and interviewees.

Solution: Scribble AI provides a mobile interface to generate customized text in 20+ pre-built formats, styles, and languages without having to write prompts for the AI (unlike ChatGPT). With this app, non-technical consumers can generate and share textual content within seconds with just three clicks. For individuals who need to write a lot of content each day, whether a Twitter influencer writing DMs or sales rep making a quick pitch, the app's premium version (in development) automatically customize its interface to their needs (priced at $9 per month), allowing the user to access higher quality content than ChatGPT for faster and cheaper.

Traction: We launched Scribble AI’s initial MVP with the free version to the iOS and Android app stores two months ago. Currently, Scribble AI has 5,000+ downloads across more than 50 countries. Since our launch, more than 100,000+ “Scribbles” (pieces of written content) have been generated on the app, growing each day without any marketing spend. Our team is currently developing and iterating the premium and enterprise versions.

Market Research & Validation: We conducted more than 40 user interviews and analyzed data from our app’s current usage. Upon analyzing the content generated by our users, we found that 20% are emails, 12% are Tweets, 10% are LinkedIn posts, and 20% are non-English. From this, we conclude there is an opportunity for Scribble AI to target creators short-form mobile social media content (i.e. Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) as a beachhead from which to expand. 

Defensibility & Differentiation: We stand out by targeting international consumers, particularly in India (where we have many personal contacts with influencers), and leveraging data to automatically customize the app’s interface to specific customers’ needs. For example, for a Twitter content creator, the app’s premium version will be customized to their content needs (i.e. tweets, DMs, replies, etc.), making our solution far stickier than those of competitors. Through this approach, we strive to become the leader of mobile text generation. 

Team: Our team not only has past experience launching AI products and starting companies, but we are close friends who worked together on multiple projects over the past three years. In the rapidly changing landscape of AI, we can build and adapt faster than any competitor, having developed and launched the app within two weeks of conceiving the idea.

Awards: Admitted to SkyDeck Pad-13 (Batch 16), 3rd Place in UC Launch Final Demo Day Spring 2023

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