
In short

Affordable Same-Day Delivery for 3PLs

Skills Used

Hardware Development
Software Development

Start date

August 2022


TodayFleet is a last-mile delivery system that offers same-day delivery at a significantly cheaper price. It does this by having automated package sorting systems in parcel vans that have two functions: 1) internally sort packages in-route, and 2) facilitate an exchange of packages between two trucks at designated exchange locations.  

With this system, packages can swiftly move between cities and counties at scale without needing a physical sorting warehouse (the current roadblock in conventional methods). This saves time (sorting at these locations usually takes place in the middle of the night and takes 6-8 hours) and money (physical hubs require operational expenses and salaries).  

Our initial plan is making a tech-based courier service built upon this system that provides 3PLs with affordable same-day delivery. We will start off with 10 trucks in Alameda County and grow from there. Since this technology works well with geographical scale, in the long term we aim to make affordable same-day delivery the norm for all e-commerce stores, and potentially connect entire states through our network.  

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